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Hamra (Beirut), Neighbourhood Profile and Prosperity Interventions

RELIEF Centre and UN-Habitat Lebanon present a new neighbourhood profile for Hamra, Beirut. Through participatory citizen science research, the Hamra Neighbourhood Profile offers original spatialized data and analysis on the living conditions in one of the most culturally diverse neighbourhoods in Lebanon.

Join us for the launch of this incredible new data resource. Hear from UN-Habitat and RELIEF Centre researchers on the purpose and process of creating the profile. Drawing on the profile's data, RELIEF citizen scientists will also present three neighbourhood interventions and lead a discussion on how multisectoral and multicohort data from profiles can inform integrated programming for neighbourhoods in ways that can benefit all residents in the long term. The launch will include introductions from RELIEF Centre's Principal Investigator Professor Henrietta L. Moore and Head of UN-Habitat Lebanon Country Programme Taina Christiansen.

This event is also part of Urban October. Urban October is a month dedicated to raising awareness, promoting participation, generating knowledge and engaging the international community towards promoting a Better Urban Future, and an opportunity for everyone to be part of the conversation about the challenges and opportunities created by the fast rate of change in our cities and towns.


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