Teaching Online: Be Ready Now!

As everyone moves to online teaching, there is a lot of wondering over what can be done online and how we can do it! Therefore, this course was created as a quick response to the current situation to support teachers in different sectors on how to design the educational process online.

The course consists of only two units. In the first unit, we are thinking about the tools available to both the teacher and students. Then we talk about what position we are in now. What challenges do teachers and students face when learning online? We also talk about the challenges that learners might face. Finally, we talk about the types of learning that help us design learning experiences that stimulate learning. In the second unit, we talk about each type of learning, and how we can design different activities online. The course’s activities will be supported by a live lecture to interact with the course’s team and answer the participants’ questions.

The main objective of this course is to create a community of practitioners so that we support each other in the process of transitioning to teaching online. There are many interactive activities available in the course, so you are expected to do some of them.

This course is in Arabic and will run more than once in order to enroll new teachers and renew the offered material according to the participants needs and comments.


Who is this course for? Anyone teachers who need or want to move towards online teaching.

Who designed it? Education academics who do research and teacher training, at two universities, University College London (UCL), and the Lebanese American University (LAU) in Beirut.

What will I gain from completing the course? You will learn the basics of online teaching as well as exchange experiences, ideas, and solutions with other experienced professionals from a wide range of different countries; and finding solutions; acquire resources such as videos, documents, and access to digital tools that you can continue to use; a certificate of completion if you complete and pay for the certificate.

Who is the course endorsed by? UCL and LAU.

Will it further my career? Learning online is a valuable experience in itself, giving you experience of digital learning which you can take into your own professional work. Employers value this kind of experience. Your engagement with innovative global courses of this kind will be a point of differentiation with other candidates for promotion or other positions.

How many hours do I need to invest per week? 3-4 hours per week.

Can I enrol after June 29th? Yes, at any time.

Is this course completely free? Yes

Will I be able to contact the course professors if I had any questions? You can ask questions of the Educators in the discussion which is attached to every step of the moderated course

Is this course only for individuals in Lebanon? No. It is open to participants from almost every country in the world.